The chief prevention against getting old is to remain astonished. -Kevin Kelly Dear Reader, Thank you for joining me as we enter 2025. This message is a very quick update for you as we go into the new year! Writing Highlights:
Inspiration: This section is more fleshed out at Substack. You can find a series of essays at Substack. Visit this link to subscribe. Substack is a relatively new social media platform without all the ads you’ll see elsewhere. Thus, without the ads, there is much less distraction, which allows greater focus. In the last three months, I have made three visits to the Nelson-Atkins exhibition on Hokusai. I've always been fascinated by his work, and the exhibit is here until early January. His most famous painting, The Great Wave off Kanagawa, offers a vision of the power of water, the hope of people delivering goods for their own survival, and Mount Fuji. I won’t spend much time expounding on the marvels of Hokusai except to point out that Great Wave was done in 1831. He was 71 years old! My point — no matter your age, you can continue your passion. See the enormous impact of Katsushika Hokusai (Japanese 1760–1869) - You still have a few days remaining to see the exhibit, if you are near Kansas City. Please be sure to check out my website for continuous updates on my progress. If you have questions for future newsletters/updates, please be sure to send them to [email protected]. There are numerous media links for your convenience: on Facebook at Dan Brigman, Author or on my website, I'd really appreciate you passing on my newsletter to those who you think would be interested. Thanks again for your support! Besides taking the time to read my updates, please visit the following links to create a review of The Alterator’s Light, The Point of Woes, The Tower of Dread, Mystic Springs, and/or Hawthorn Creek, if you’ve read those stories. Reviews are quick to create! They offer potential readers insight into what you thought about the book. They also help get the word out about the stories and the author. You can simply search for the title of each of my books on Goodreads and/or Amazon or follow the links below. For Amazon, please click here. For Goodreads, please click here. You can also check my work out at BookBub by clicking here. Until next time, take care of yourself. May the next month bring you solace.
Live each day as though it were your last, without turmoil, without listlessness and without pretense. -Marcus Aurelius Dear Reader, Thank you for joining me on my writing adventures. The image newsletter subscribers received is the third of three reveals. Otherwise, if you are reading this, then you'll have to wait until October to see the full cover. Important note - I had mentioned this in a previous message: October is the scheduled release timeframe for The Blighter’s Shadow! I’ve still not chosen the final date yet, as there are still numerous moving parts involved: writing and editing must be finalized, advanced readers’ input pored over, the text must be formatted, and then it must be published. With that in mind, I must offer an update: October’s release will not occur, unfortunately. For that I apologize. In my excitement earlier this year, I set an unrealistic goal for myself. To avoid further confusion and disappointment, I will not offer a tentative release date again until I have reached a more definite timeframe. But know that I am getting closer each day. Writing Highlights:
I have a few Beta Readers committed to assisting with reading the entire book prior to its final publication. There is still time to assist. If you are interested, please let me know via email. I’ll get you details on the next steps as soon as I finish the first full draft. You may be thinking: How can I help an author? It’s easy really – share this update or other authors’ newsletters with your friends. Encourage them to sign up for newsletters/updates of the authors they enjoy reading. Write a review of the book you finished. You don’t have to write much at all. “I enjoyed this book” is a simple, yet effective method and takes a few seconds. Inspiration: This section has expanded to be much more fleshed out, just in another place. You can find a series of recent essays at Substack. Visit this link to subscribe or just read my various inspirations: Substack is a relatively new place for social media without all the ads you’ll see elsewhere. Thus, without the ads, there is much less distraction, which allows greater focus. To give you an idea of one short essay: Judging a book by its cover… Don’t judge a book by its cover… How many times have we heard that? It is a nice sentiment, but it offers nothing realistic. Humans have evolved to judge instantly based on what our eyes observe. It meant life or death in a literal sense throughout all of human history. I read “Kindred Spirits” when I was a child, and that cover is what drew me in. Tanis Half-elven and Flint Fireforge stand waiting to defend themselves from what waits ahead. Their heroic deeds saved their world. And yet… A less likely pair could seemingly only exist in fiction, specifically in the world of Dragonlance. A place I dreamt about visiting as a child. A place of valiant knights who rode atop friendly dragons fighting wars against evil with magical lances. A place of wizards seeking to become gods, dwarves who spend their elder years lovingly whittling trinkets for the local children, and leaders, such as Tanis, a person of mixed heritage in a world with clearly defined racial boundaries, who realize that they must act for the betterment of those who need it. Yet, is it far-fetched to believe that people of all ethnicities could work together to better society? And themselves? Not really. Take a look around. And believe in the humans around you. We are all in this together. What am I reading, watching, and listening to? Check for more information on my recent recommendations. Challenge for September and October: As we transition from summer to fall, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, take time to pay attention to the seasonal transition. When do you notice the first leaves falling or changing color? When do you notice the first crisp fall morning/evening? The tiniest things can bring you peace. Please be sure to check out my website for continuous updates on my progress. If you have questions for future newsletters/updates, please be sure to send them to [email protected]. There are numerous media links for your convenience: on Facebook at Dan Brigman, Author or on my website I'd really appreciate you passing on my newsletter to those who you think would be interested. Thanks again for your support! Besides taking the time to read my updates, please visit the following links to create a review of The Alterator’s Light, The Point of Woes, The Tower of Dread, and/or Hawthorn Creek, if you’ve read those stories. Reviews are quick to create! They offer potential readers insight into what you thought about the book. They also help get the word out about the stories and the author. You can simply search for the title of each of my books on Goodreads and/or Amazon or follow the links below. For Amazon, please click here. For Goodreads, please click here. You can also check my work out at BookBub by clicking here. Until next time, take care of yourself. May the next month bring you solace.
“Life is very short and anxious for those who forget the past, neglect the present, and fear the future.” – Seneca Dear Reader, Thank you for joining me on my writing adventures. To offer my deepest appreciation those subscribing to my brief updates, I offered them a second sneak preview of The Blighter's Shadow. To receive the next update, which will have the third sneak peak, then head over to my homepage and sign up for the update. The image subscribers received is the second of three reveals. With a subsequent update (August), if you've subscribed, you'll see the full cover come to life. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until closer to October to see the full cover. October is the scheduled release timeframe for The Blighter’s Shadow! I’ve still not chosen the final date yet, as there are still numerous moving parts involved: writing and editing must be finalized, advanced readers’ input pored over, the text must be formatted, and then it must be published. Writing Highlights:
I have a few Beta Readers committed to assisting with reading the entire book prior to its final publication. There is still time to assist. If you are interested, please let me know via email. I’ll get you details on the next steps as soon as I finish the first full draft. I had promised information about the workshop in Kansas City; unfortunately, something came up and I was unable to attend, but I know the June workshop will provide some excellent information to help me in the craft of writing. I’ll offer some information about the workshop in future updates. You may be thinking: how can I help an author? It’s easy really – share this update or other authors’ newsletters with your friends. Encourage them to sign up for newsletters/updates of the authors they enjoy reading. Write a review of the book you finished. You don’t have to write much at all. “I enjoyed this book” is a simple, yet effective method and takes a few seconds. Inspiration: The most recent project to which I’ve committed is my current inspiration. I am not able to share details yet, but I will offer information as I am able in future updates. What am I reading, watching, and listening to? Check for more information on my recent recommendations. I need to include a review of the new show Fallout, which is simply spectacular. Challenge for June and July Summer unofficially started this weekend, but its official start date is Thursday, June 20. Check out this link for more information. If you are planning a trip, I'd love to hear from you. Please be sure to check out my website for continuous updates on my progress. If you have questions for future newsletters/updates, please be sure to send them to [email protected]. There are numerous media links for your convenience: on Facebook at Dan Brigman, Author or on my website, I'd really appreciate you passing on my newsletter to those who you think would be interested. Thanks again for your support! Besides taking the time to read my updates, please visit the following links to create a review of The Alterator’s Light, The Point of Woes, The Tower of Dread, and/or Hawthorn Creek, if you’ve read those stories. Reviews are quick to create! They offer potential readers insight into what you thought about the book. They also help get the word out about the stories and the author. You can simply search for the title of each of my books on Goodreads and/or Amazon or follow the links below. Until next time, take care of yourself. May the next month bring you solace. Everyone, including Luc, needs to get good sleep. :)
“I begin to speak only when I’m certain what I’ll say isn’t better left unsaid.” – Cato
Dear Reader, Thank you for joining me on my writing adventures. To offer my deepest appreciation those subscribing to my brief updates, I offered them a sneak preview of The Blighter's Shadow. To receive the next update, which will have the second sneak peak, then head over to my homepage and sign up for the update. The image subscribers received is the first of three reveals. With each of the next two subsequent updates (May and July), if you've subscribed, you'll see the full cover come to life. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until closer to October to see the full cover. Why October, you might be thinking? Because that is the scheduled release timeframe for The Blighter’s Shadow! I’ve not chosen the final date yet, as there are still numerous moving parts involved: writing and editing must be finalized, advanced readers’ input must be pored over, the text formatted, and then published. An exciting process, to say the least. Writing Highlights:
I have now finished several drafts (ten drafts so far, at least two more to go) of the short story The Undying Schism of Ana Kane. The story is scheduled for inclusion in an anthology that will be released in mid-late 2024. This will be the second anthology I’m assisting with, and I am excited to work with an awesome group of authors. I have a few Beta Readers committed to assisting with reading the entire book prior to its final publication. There is still time to assist. If you are interested, please let me know via email. I’ll get you details on the next steps as soon as I finish the first full draft. As with any profession, learning never ends, which is why I will be attending an upcoming workshop in Kansas City. I know I’ll gain useful information to help me grow as an author. I’ll offer some information about the workshop in future updates. Inspiration: gaming Gaming can be inspiring? Yes. What types? All kinds. Gaming has been bringing people together for millennia. To test our skills, brainpower, cleverness, ability to interact well with other people, and to strive to become better. Board games, sporting games, role-playing games, the Olympic games, and card games are just a few potential sources of inspiration. While I do not particularly pay much attention to sports, I can see how they inspire people to seek out greatness, especially related to athletic prowess. Sports require quick-thinking decision-making, collaboration, and a push to better oneself and one’s teammates. That alone is inspiring. And believe it or not, board gaming itself is now a big industry. It has helped push a new wave of gaming that would have amazed my 12-year-old self. The industry has inspired excellent companies to reach newer audiences. One newer company is Stonemaier Games, and its high-quality games have become a favorite in my home. Check out for their newest game about dragons. An old favorite that is a bridge from the older games, such as Monopoly and Scrabble, to the newer generation of gaming, is called Catan. offers a view of their cool games. Scrabble is still one of my favorites, though – what is more inspiring than creating words from a bag of random letters? What am I reading, watching, and listening to? Slow Productivity by Cal Newport This book just came out this week, and I’m enjoying it already. Newport offers readers a glimpse of slowing down. Productivity for productivity’s sake is not a virtue, nor is filling up 40 hours for the sake of a now-arbitrary guideline. The negative implications of the extra work created during the COVID era is something we are still grappling with. Freud’s Last Session Anthony Hopkins plays Dr. Freud toward the end of his life. He has a “last session” with C.S. Lewis about death and Christianity. Phenomenal film. Shogun (2024) This show started recently, and it is an updated film version of James Clavell’s novel. After the first three episodes, I can offer a strong recommendation if you like historical dramas, especially about Japan. Challenge for March and April Spring officially starts on Tuesday, March 19. What adventures will you take to enjoy nature's annual resurgence. Until next time, take care of yourself. May the next month bring you solace. "I cannot escape death, but at least I can escape the fear of it." -Epictetus Dear Reader, November flew by in a flash. Faster than I would have liked, but every moment was worthwhile. National Novel Writing Month came and went. The first three weeks of the month were productive, but the final week of November was not the most effective for writing, unfortunately. I succumbed to a cold for over a week, and my daughter, Kylie, was in town for Thanksgiving. Visiting with family and friends took precedence for a few days, and that offered a respite from a very hectic schedule. I also attended a celebration of life for one of my Iaido instructors. His mentorship and friendship will be missed, but never forgotten. His good humor, patience, and skill has helped me strive to become a better person in all facets of life. Writing Highlights: I made great strides on two fronts:
I finished several drafts of the short story and sent it out to beta readers to review. I’ve already gotten great feedback that I’ve applied to the story. The story’s title is The Undying Schism of Ana Kane. The anthology is scheduled for publication in mid-late 2024. Other stories within the anthology are great so far, too. Everyone’s best drafts are due to the anthology’s editors by December 31. After that, the editors will review the stories, and the anthology’s authors will get a chance to review other works. It is an exceedingly collaborative effort to create the best finished product possible. I also sent out to my update subscribers an excerpt from The Blighter’s Shadow. If you read that selection, let me know your thoughts. The book is progressing, and I only have a few chapters remaining to write. I have a few Beta Readers committed to assist with reading the entire book prior to its final publication. There is still time to assist. If you are interested, please let me know via email. I’ll get you details on the next steps as soon as I finish the first full draft. You may be thinking: how can I help an author? It’s easy really – share this update or other authors’ newsletters with other people. Encourage them to sign up for newsletters/updates of the authors they enjoy reading. Write a review of the book you finished. You don’t have to write much at all. “I enjoyed this book” is a simple, yet effective method and takes a few seconds. Inspiration: Death Death? An inspiration? For me, yes. The thought of dying is ever-present in my mind. Not an obsession, by any means. Death is part of the background. Like an old friend whispering bits of wisdom in my ear. A friend who deeply cares about me, no matter how that sounds. All I have to do is listen closely. I try to capture those whispers, but many flit away when I lose my temper, I offer snap judgements, forget to return a call, or fail to tell others how much I appreciate or love them. But I can sense my old friend death smiling when I try to live life to the fullest. A real question all of us should ask ourselves frequently: since death is our only certainty, what will I do with my remaining time? Death is the final arbiter. It isn’t some evil entity wishing to extinguish your life at the first opportunity. Rather, it serves as a continuous teacher of how beautiful your life can be for the remaining time you have. Death seeks out each of us without fail – we all have this one thing in common. One thing that can help us guide toward a better society. A better and more interdependent humanity. I find that refreshing and hopeful. And inspiring. What am I reading, watching, and listening to? Ikigai & Kaizen: The Japanese Strategy to Achieve Personal Happiness and Professional Success by Anthony Raymond Productivity is an obsession for modern humans. This independently published book steers away from the obsession to focus on ikigai (meaning), hansei (self-reflection), and kaizen (goal achievement). Raymond does a fine job of fitting the various strategies together for a whole-picture approach. Highly recommended. Making It So by Patrick Stewart When I first learned of Sir Stewart’s autobiography, I was excited. When I learned that he read the book for the audiobook, I just had to listen. His story is fascinating, filled with trial and tribulations, and helped me remember that even folks like Patrick Stewart have their flaws mixed within the joys of life. In all, I enjoyed all 18 hours and 50 minutes of the audiobook. I was fascinated by his path to Star Trek to serve in the role of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. The role still shapes who he is today, as he is still thinking about ways to broaden the Star Trek universe with Picard’s character. (To say that I like Captain Jean-Luc Picard is an understatement – our Auggie fur friend is named after Captain Picard.) Blue Eye Samurai (Netflix) This show was in production for years, fortunately. It deserved every minute. This animated samurai tale is simply amazing. The main character, Mizu, is devoted to a path of vengeance. The minor characters offer humor, compassion, love, violence, and a way to remind the viewer of Mizu’s humanity. There are also several villains that steal their scenes, as they are written so well. Their stories are fleshed out for the viewers, yet the main villain is a despised person with a fully fleshed out background. Is this for children under 18? No – I don’t recommend it due to the content. Finally, I learned about one cool anthology that you should check out. It is comprised of many stories that are exactly 100 words long. A novel is tough. A short story is tough. But getting a story narrowed down to 100 words? Challenging on the best days. Check out Year Five - Black Hare Press when you have a chance. You will be surprised, and maybe inspired, to try your hand at the challenge of writing and submitting a 100-word story. Challenge for December and January Winter is upon us in the Northern Hemisphere. Enjoy the extra sunlight each day. If you have questions for future newsletters/updates, please be sure to send them to [email protected]. There are numerous media links for your convenience: on Facebook at Dan Brigman, Author or on my website, I'd really appreciate you passing on my newsletter to those who you think would be interested. Thanks again for your support! Besides taking the time to read my updates, please visit the following links to create a review of The Alterator’s Light, The Point of Woes, The Tower of Dread, and/or Hawthorn Creek, if you’ve read those stories. Reviews are quick to create! They offer potential readers insight into what you thought about the book. They also help get the word out about the stories and the author. You can simply search for the title of each of my books on Goodreads and/or Amazon. You can also check my work out at BookBub. Until next time, take care of yourself. May the next month bring you solace. “What is your vocation? To be a good person.” —Marcus Aurelius
It’s been a bit since we last visited, yet I want to send you a quick update, Dear Reader. November is around the corner, and those who have been following my updates for the last few years know it is one of busiest months for me. Busy with all things writing, that is. What an exciting time! I always look forward to November for several reasons: —My birthday falls within the month. While I don’t celebrate the day, it does help me meditate on how last year went and how I can do better in the coming year. —I get to write a lot. —Thanksgiving grows closer, which means I get to visit with family and friends I may not have seen much throughout the year. It seems that with each passing year, we are all becoming more and more busy. Thanksgiving offers an excellent reason to gather, slow down, and just enjoy life. We are all in this together. Let’s celebrate together. —Did I mention I get to write a lot? Finally, within one week of this update’s arrival, you’ll see another message with an excerpt from The Blighter’s Shadow. Writing Highlights: Progress on the first draft of The Blighter’s Shadow is reaching its conclusion! Now that I am near to the end, here is some tentative information:
My short story for an upcoming anthology is tentatively titled The Undying Schism of Ana Kane. I have the outline completed, and I’ll tackle this story in November. It’ll be 5000 words or less. This one will be a horror story in the vein of last year’s anthology story. National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) starts next week. I am privileged to lead the Writers of Warrensburg again this year on the month-long endeavor. What is my plan for November, you may be thinking?
I’m expecting to have a very productive month, and I am excited to continue the work on The Blighter’s Shadow. I have a few Beta Readers committed to assist with reading the entire book prior to its final publication. There is still time to assist. If you are interested, please let me know via email. I’ll get you details on the next steps as soon as I finish the first full draft, which will be in late November/early December. You may be thinking: how can I help an author? It’s easy really – share this update or other authors’ newsletters with other people. Encourage them to sign up for newsletters/updates of the authors they enjoy reading. Write a review of the book you finished. You don’t have to write much at all. “I enjoyed this book” is a simple, yet effective method and takes a few seconds. What am I reading, watching, and listening to? Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America by Heather Cox Richardson Richardson's daily letters started in mid-2019, and they now reach over a million people per day. This book helps reach additional folks who may not have heard of her; ultimately, this book will likely spur on readers to catch her emailed letters. Regardless, this book offers a concise understanding of the chaos known as American history. It also helps readers better grasp the ongoing authoritarianism which is still afflicting the nation by those seeking power solely for selfish reasons. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to be more informed about US history, past and present. The Fall of the House of Usher (Netflix series) It is October. Halloween is around the corner. I love all things horror, and this series is loosely based on the Poe story by the same name. I am only 2 episodes into the 8-episode series, but I am enjoying the morality tale about destructive elements that a consolidation of wealth can have upon society, in general, and one family, in particular. So far, I recommend it. Is it kid-friendly? No – I’d give it a strong R rating. The Harmony Codex by Stephen Wilson This album came out in late September, and I’ve loved every minute of it. Each track is unique, and rarely do I get hooked on an entire album. I’m listening to it now, in fact, while I write this update. Wilson is one of my favorite artists, and this album offers the new listener a unique take on Wilson’s own musical journey. (My brother introduced me to Wilson and his numerous bands many years ago, and I can’t thank my brother enough.) is Wilson’s link. Check out his work, if you’ve not heard of him before. Challenge for November: Visit a natural area that you've not visited in a while. Take time to soak in the beauty of whatever spot you've chosen. “The best revenge is not to be like your enemy.” – Marcus Aurelius
Dear patient reader, June… July… …moving and new assignments and goodbyes. Over the last two months, I moved from my home of nearly 13 years to a new home in Warrensburg, Missouri. Meg and I had been casually seeking out new homes for the last six months, yet we had really planned to wait until my retirement to move. But we got lucky (through Meg’s watchful eye) and were able to find, purchase, and begin moving into our new home in late June/early July. Also, in early June, Caleb discovered he was going to be reassigned to Whiteman Air Force Base in late June. So, my dad and Meg traveled to Texas to pick him up from Sheppard Air Force Base. He has been readjusting to his new assignment and we have been enjoying our time together. Kylie visited for nearly a week in early July since she will be starting her undergraduate degree at Temple University in Philadelphia. We are excited for her next adventure! It has been a whirlwind. Side note: Full web links are toward the bottom of this update for some of the subjects I discuss. Writing Highlights:
Inspiration: Comic books I recently visited the Spider-Man exhibit at Kansas City’s Union Station, and I was blown away by the detail that was put into the exhibition. Comic book heroes are now part the human experience or mythos. Most of us watch movies based on comic books, read comics or graphic novels, or even play video games based on comic books. Realistically, comic book heroes and villains play out some of the same oral stories our ancestors told around campfires for millennia. Many of us love stories about down-on-your-luck characters who gain superpowers and save the day, such as Spider-Man. Many enjoy witnessing the raw power of characters like the Hulk, a being who gains immense power the angrier he gets. When at his most angry, he is one of the most powerful beings in one fictional universe (some argue ALL fictional universes). We also love watching characters like Captain America, Wonder Woman, and Superman save the day by using their powers for acts of kindness, compassion, and thoughtfulness. We are fascinated by stories about the fall of civilization in stories like The Walking Dead. We watch those shows wondering how we would react if civilization fell. And we even enjoy stories about larger-than-life “normal” humans like The Punisher, a person capable of great violence against evil people. Finally, characters like Spawn—an assassin killed by those who trained him—offer a unique glimpse of what happens to a fallen person able to gain redemption. Then, of course you have Batman. Few words are needed to describe his exploits to help humanity despite his own demons. Superheroes primarily reflect the best of humanity. They evoke our greatest desires to be better humans, and they are shown in vibrant colors and actions to pull our eyes along the pages. The best villains evoke a passion for the good guys to stop them. But the villains show the darker side of humanity, things that we want to hide from or ignore. Super villains, of course, rarely believe they are the bad guys, which is exceedingly similar to reality. Most super villains think they are doing the “right” thing. Thanos, in the Marvel Universe, is a case study about this phenomenon. I have been reading comic books off and on through my entire life, and they offer a respite insofar that I can help learn more about humanity itself – the good, the bad, and the everyday. If you’ve not read a comic in a while (or ever), I encourage you to try one out. Even a movie about comics, such as Unbreakable, can lure you in. You never know, a new passion may blossom. What I am reading: Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity by Peter Attia What a fascinating book so far (I’m about 25% finished). Dr. Attia is a strong proponent of helping prevent health concerns before they become full-blown health emergencies. Once I finish, I’ll let you know what my final verdict is. What I am watching: Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny — I am a huge Indiana Jones fan, and I think it is in the top two of the five-movie series. If you enjoy adventure films that offer an exciting story and an excellent wrap-up of a forty-year franchise, I encourage you to check this out. Oppenheimer — This film offered a biographical view of one of the most famous scientists in human history. I went into the movie with relatively high expectations for a story solely about atomic-bomb development, yet this film showed me a view of the man behind the myth. It has piqued my curiosity about his background, and I will check out a biography soon. The Witcher (Season 3) — An excellent fantasy show set in a world of awesome magic, mutants, and ethical dilemmas rarely seen in other fantasy series. Challenge for August and September: Visit a park or other natural setting, if you haven't been to one in a while. Take a walk, if possible, or a drive; you'll be amazed at the stress relief even a short visit can provide. Also, try out a comic book, movie, or show, if you haven't done so already. Please be sure to check out my website for continuous updates on my progress. If you have questions for future newsletters/updates, please be sure to send them to [email protected]. There are numerous media links for your convenience: on Facebook at Dan Brigman, Author, or on my website, I'd really appreciate you passing on my newsletter to those who you think would be interested. Thanks again for your support! Besides taking the time to read my updates, please visit the following links to create a review of The Alterator’s Light, The Point of Woes, The Tower of Dread, and/or Hawthorn Creek, if you’ve read those stories. Reviews are quick to create! They offer potential readers insight into what you thought about the book. They also help get the word out about the stories and the author. You can simply search for the title of each of my books on Goodreads and/or Amazon or follow the links below. For Amazon, please click here. For Goodreads, please click here. You can also check my work out at BookBub by clicking here. Until next time, take care of yourselves. May the next month bring you solace. Reference links:
“We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” ― Lucius Annaeus Seneca May was gone in a flash, so I’m glad you can join me during the second week of June. June’s update will be quick and offer a glimpse of what’s coming. My writing world derailed somewhat for good reasons over the last few weeks. Kylie came back home for her high school graduation. She finished in December 2022, and she spent the spring semester getting a start on her college career. In the fall, she will begin at Temple University in Pennsylvania to study biology. Exciting times! And Meg and I purchased a home. This is an exciting endeavor, as it’ll be the first time owning a home. I’ve never had a real need until now. So we will be moving soon, which has taken some of my time since the last update. June and into July will be focused on moving (and writing). As I mentioned before in a previous update, plans are great, but life can and will throw curveballs. We just have to learn how to swing at those, too. Side note: I generally include hyperlinks within the text of these updates for your convenience, but if you are skeptical of just clicking on those hyperlinks, you can check out all the full links toward the bottom of this update. Writing Highlights:
Write a review of the book you finished. You don’t have to write much at all. “I enjoyed this book” is a simple, yet effective method and takes a few seconds. Inspiration: Libraries Libraries are likely one of the most inspiring built places in the world. They are storehouses of human intellect on a scale that is unmatched by anything in human history. The internet, while an outstanding tool, offers nothing in comparison to a library. Wandering rows and rows of library shelves throughout my life has created an unbreakable bond with books. After learning how to read by age 4, I sought out books, periodicals, newspapers, etc. as a way to travel, meet people who had been long dead, learn about current/historical events, and visit any number of fantastic realms filled with strange beasts. Of course, my love of libraries pales in comparison to those who built some of the most beautiful structures throughout the world. You can visit 23 libraries at this link that National Geographic compiled. Visiting even one of those locations would be an excellent vacation. Simply put, without libraries, humanity wouldn’t have reached the point at which we are today. The compilation of human knowledge has sped up our development and spurred on more philosophers to help better society and the world, all the while providing a place for children to choose new adventures. What am I reading: The Right to Write by Julia Cameron Cameron offers many useful hints to her readers about writing. My main takeaways are to just get to writing. Procrastination is a tool for perfectionists to rarely work. Also, anyone can be a writer, but you do have to write. I found many of Cameron’s chapters useful, insofar as she helps debunk many myths about the writing craft. I highly recommend this volume for anyone who wants to get into the field of writing or has been writing for decades. “This is the mark of perfection of character – to spend each day as if it were your last, without frenzy, laziness, or any pretending.” – Marcus Aurelius January through April flew by in the blink of an eye. Winter slipped into spring, and spring is glorious. I’ve not had an update since early January due to a heavy workload. This update will be quick and offer a glimpse of what’s coming over the next month or so. In early June, I’ll get back to the bi-monthly updates to help me get back on track with helping you know where I am in the writing world. Book 2, The Blighter’s Shadow, is near its first full draft. Book 1 had a large cast, and that cast continues with the addition of a few more for Book 2. I have decided to divide Book 2 into Part I, Part II, etc. Within this book you’ll be traveling with the characters into ancient cities, step wells, prisons, mountains, and along rivers just to name a few places. I’ll also start thinking and planning about another short story/novella to be released next year – either as a standalone, or as part of an anthology. That story will be outside the world of The Rune Cycle. I recently discovered Indie Author Magazine from a friend, and I think it is very well done, as it offers cool articles about independently published authors. Check out the magazine here, if you are interested. Side note: I generally include hyperlinks within the text of these updates for your convenience, but if you are skeptical of just clicking on those hyperlinks, you can check out all the full links toward the bottom of this update. Writing Highlights:
Inspiration: Star Trek As a child, I spent many years absorbed with Star Trek, specifically The Next Generation. I grew up watching the cast of the Enterprise visiting strange new worlds while dealing with each episode’s new threat. Without realizing it, I was studying philosophy in my early teenage years, which helped prompt my formal study while pursuing a degree. The show gave the viewer hope for a better future, one in which poverty, hunger, and war have been mostly eradicated from Earth. Humans have moved past the pursuit of material possessions and money – to the betterment of all. Some of my favorite TNG episodes include the following: The Measure of a Man, The Offspring, The Wounded, Darmok, and The Inner Light Besides witnessing a future without as much suffering, the show forces the viewer to think about a dilemma rather than simply being entertained. While nothing is wrong with entertainment alone, Star Trek offered me entertainment as an outlet for my fascination of philosophy. Recently, The Next Generation was continued with Star Trek: Picard, which is a spin-off with Jean-Luc Picard as the main character. He had to grapple with aging and disease throughout the first season, time travel and the Borg in the second season, and saving Starfleet and Earth in the third season. The final season offered the full main cast of the original show. Even if you aren’t a Star Trek fan, know that it can offer a hopeful view of a future where humanity has moved past its inner demons. At least most of the inner demons. What I am reading or watching: Arkady Martine’s A Memory Called Empire – A relatively new sci-fi novel that offers an interesting twist on an ambassador to a well-studied culture. I’m less than a hundred pages in, and I’m hooked. Strange New Worlds – Another great visit in the Star Trek universe. I’m nearly finished with the first season and just in time for the second season. Anne Applebaum’s Red Famine – This is an excellent monograph on Ukrainian history, specifically how one nation's people in positions of power can completely disrupt an entire society. To gain more information about why Russia is at war with Ukraine, check out this volume. Challenge for May: Take a walk or hike through a forested area - just 10 minutes can offer a welcome respite from stress. Reference links:
The last quarter of 2022 flew by, which explains the delay in reaching out to you with this update. I generally shoot for a bi-monthly update, but I’ll explain the reason for this delay.
The new anthology was being finalized in October, and then we had a great release party in mid-November to celebrate. November was also National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). I participated and helped lead a group of participants throughout the month with write-ins, both in person and virtual. Book 2, The Blighter’s Shadow, is quickly reaching its first full draft. It is going to be as long as the first book and likely slightly longer. Book 1 had a large cast, and that cast continues with the addition of a few more. At this point, I am debating on how to best divide it up. Longer books are sometimes divided into Part I, Part II, etc., so I may tackle it that way. The great thing about writing is that it can be handled so many ways. If you have a preference, let me know – I’m open to suggestions on helping your experience be as rewarding as possible. Early in September, my daughter decided to finish high school early. Meg and I were very supportive, and Kylie was able to reach that goal. When she made that decision, she also decided to re-locate for the spring semester to attend college virtually while living with her mom in Pennsylvania. Kylie will also be working to save up additional funds for college. Fortunately, her hard work in high school helped her accumulate scholarships and grants. By early spring, Kylie will decide on which college she will attend full time in August 2023. With all that in mind, I tried to spend as much time with Kylie before her departure. In late December, Caleb, who had joined the Air Force early in 2022, finally received leave. Starting this month, he’ll be attending a training session that will last until October 2023. For the last two weeks of December, I enjoyed some blissful and relaxing time with family. Writing Highlights:
This will be a short inspiration, but it ties into something that many of us struggle with: how to create and maintain good habits. Late in December, I read a relatively new book titled Atomic Habits. James Clear, the author, published the book in 2018, and it has gone on to have 10 million copies printed. Yes, 10,000,000. 😊 To have that many copies printed is a huge accomplishment, given that it was published less than 5 years ago. I won’t spoil anything about the book for you, but I will say I’ve seen immediate benefits for myself from my first reading. Given its worth, I’ll revisit the book to help refresh on habit building and restoration. James Clear offers excellent and intuitive suggestions on how to create good habits. Some of the suggestions I had already been following, which was refreshing, and they helped embolden me on some habits that I had been taking for granted. And some of the suggestions were completely new to me, but Clear explains the methods in such easily understood ways that implementing them will be fun. I’ve always been inspired by other folks who are able to stick to good habits. And I’ve been inspired by folks who have permanently kicked bad habits. Guess what? Clear offers suggestions and methods on how to break the bad habits, too. Sometimes, self-help books can seem like little more than temporary hits that fall to the wayside as time passes. This is not one of those. Atomic Habits can help anyone seeking to better themselves with creating good habits—habits that will benefit you throughout life. James Clear’s website also offers a wealth of knowledge and information about habits. Check out his site here. |
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